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Musculoskeletal Research

Completed Funded Research Project

          The scope of musculoskeletal clinical trials in Australia

          Investigators: Rachelle Buchbinder, Allison Bourne, Christopher Maher, Bethan Richards, Sam Whittle
          Institution: Monash Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Cabrini Hospital
          Year: 2013-2014

          This study examined the status of musculoskeletal clinical trials in Australia between 2009-2013. It looked at: trials underway, conditions and interventions under investigation, the researchers, funding sources, where research is being published and how we compare to the rest of the world.

          Read the full report, summaries and articles here:

          A Problem Worth Solving.

          In 2012 there were an estimated 6.1 million cases of arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions in Australia (26.9% of the population), including 2.9 million people with back problems, 1.9 million people with osteoarthritis, 0.8 million people with osteoporosis and 0.5 million people with rheumatoid arthritis.

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