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Water Exercise

Best practice evidence for warm water exercise for people with musculoskeletal conditions: A systematic review of the literature 2014

Chief Investigator: Dr Anna Barker
Institutions: Health Services Research Unit, Monash University and MOVE
Year: 2013-2014

There is anecdotal evidence of the benefits of warm water exercise, and an increasing number of studies reporting the positive effect it has for exercise for people with muscle, bone and joint conditions. However there’s a lack of high quality evidence to substantiate these benefits. 

The aim of this project was to review the literature to determine the evidence base.     

Read the full report, summaries & journal article here:

An evaluation of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria Waves Program 2014

Chief Investigator: Dr Anna Barker
Institutions: Health Services Research Unit, Monash University and MOVE (formerly Arthritis Victoria)
Year: 2013-2014

This report provides information on changes in pain, joint stiffness, physical function and health-related quality of life reported by people who participated in Waves warm water exercise classes delivered by Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria.      

Read the full report, summaries & journal article here:

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Summer of reading - part 3


Summer of reading - part 2


Summer of reading - part 1